“I went to vision warriors after a long term treatment. This is where I learned to truly live life, learned personal responsibility, and found joy in overcoming the struggles of life, rather than just running away from it.” – Zach B.
Recovery Housing
How do I join a Recovery House?
Get Started Today
Each man is asked to defray monthly living expenses. These expenses include their room and board as well as a couple of family style dinners per week. Our men have jobs working during the day and return home at night just like anyone else. We have developed relationships within the community that help ensure that everyone is working and has an opportunity for advancement. This investment signifies a yearning to remain in the house & accountability to becoming respected members of society.
Each of the men enter by their own choice and desire. Typically, the men arrive to the house with some sobriety under their belt. We only accept men that are like minded and looking to better themselves. Our house managers vet everyone that applies, the candidates ability to stay is voted on by the current residences.
Our heart and soul for all the men who live in our house is simple. The goal is that they will learn to dream and find a hope in the future. Ultimately, we hope & pray they walk out of our house whenever they decide to leave because they are now a better Husband, Father, Leader, and producing citizen. We believe this ultimate result is what it’s all about. We strive to play a part in putting families back together, helping dreams come true, witnessing hearts become changed, and discovering a hope for their future. That is a win for everyone.
833-894-4357 | [email protected]